Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tepper Tastes

"Tepper Tastes" is a new monthly event in Tepper, in which international student clubs showcase their culture through ethnic dinners. The first dinner will be held this Thursday.

Let me talk about why I came up with this idea.

As you may know, I was born in Japan but my grand parents were Korean and so I grew up with Korean food in Japan. I can say, in Japan, I saw what is Korea through Korean Food. For American students, Asian foods might look the same food. However, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc... Each food has each characteristic.

For example, while almost all Japanese want to eat Miso soup everyday, almost all Korean have to eat Kimchi, fermented Korean pickles. However, both want to eat rice everyday. Actually, I want to eat Miso soup and Kimchi everyday. :-) When I was youth, partly by understanding the difference between Japanese food and Korean food, it seemed that I got some acceptability toward diversity and different perspectives. "Oh, you like this. I like this. That's okay." It's not about which is better or not.

I talked with my friend, Worknesh, and I made sure that is the same thing with African foods. As a matter of course, each African food has each characteristic.

So, when I think of diversity and how we can raise recipient culture in Tepper, it's natural for me to think of food. (Maybe I just like eating.) Then, I came up with the idea that we go to an ethnic restaurant monthly with a student who come from the country as a guide.

Anyway, we will taste Korean BBQ at Sushikim as our first Tapper Tastes. Next dinner will be held by African Club or South American Club or others. Increase, embrace, and utilize diversity!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should be glad to be born in our family. Our mother is always cooking for us. We have to notice it's what a wonderful thing. Thankfully, we like eating a lot of kinds of food. And also, we can make a lot of friends because people like to see other people who are eating their countries' cuisines. My friends always say to me, "I am glad to see your eating."
Anyway, it is a great idea to have a food party each month. I wanna join that. Bro Ken, you have to invite me.